A trusted New York Law Firm

Empathy. Experience. Results.

Our Specialties

Explore all available options, from defending lawsuits to seeking debt relief or filing chapter 7, 11, or 13 bankruptcy petitions to erase debt.


Real estate

Buy and sell residential properties with confidence or close commercial deals efficiently with the right representation.


Dealing with an audit? Get your IRS debt settled, sometimes for pennies on the dollar. Feel confident knowing our team will defend you in tax court and that we will help you navigate all tax-related issues.


Make your transition into citizenship as smooth as possible with multiple Visa options, or seek employment authorization, advanced parole, or cancellation of removal.

our team

Joseph Y. Balisok, Esq


“I was drawn to the field of law because I wanted to help people. a doctor helps people with their medical issues; I help people with legal issues. I’ll always try my best to listen and ask questions, getting the full picture of each case so that I can be your best advocate."

Jesse L. Kaufman, Esq


“My litigation practice is dedicated to representing clients that have been damaged in everyday life or at work. I also have experience defending businesses and individuals in breach of contract cases, family law, and other causes of action. Justice is important to me and I love helping my clients win.